Course The Python programming language
Tomorrow I will start my three day course Python programming language.
This course covers the essential aspects of programming in Python. I will learn the syntax of the language and how to use the extensive standard Python library so I do not have to reinvent the wheel by myself. In addition, subjects like programming constructs, data types and object-oriented programming style are addressed.
The course covers:
- Introduction: positioning, characteristics, applications, usage, scripting.
- Elementary data types: various data types of Python and their properties, expressions.
- Program structures: indentation as block structure, statements that influence the control flow.
- Data types of Python: strings, bytes, lists, tuples, dictionaries, sets and files. Unicode and data encoding.
- Details about data types: Python as dynamically typed language, the reference model, methods (functions) that are related to (object) type.
- Functions: design of functions, docstrings, passing arguments, return value, functions as argument, scope rules, generators.
- Modules: reasons for building modules, the use of modules, creation of modules, test code for modules.
- Object orientation and classes: OO-terminology, classes in Python, class construction, inheritance, polymorfism, special class methods, operator overloading, inheritance of built-in types.
- Exceptions: the EAFP motto (Easier to Ask for Forgiveness than Permission), exception classes, catch exceptions, own exception classes.
- Overview of standard library: interaction with operating system, regular expressions, network facilities, etc.
I’m creative, imaginative, free-thinking, daydreamer and strategic who needs freedom, peace and space to brainstorm and to fantasize about new and surprising solutions. Generates ideas and solves difficult problems, sees all options, judges accurately and wants to get to the bottom of things.
Interested in Data Science, Data Analytics, Running, Crossfit, Obstacle Running and Coffee.