Playing with Tableau and the San Francisco Crime Classification training dataset of Kaggle. An interactive Tableau version can found on this ...

Synopsis In the challenge Titanic - Machine Learning from Disaster from Kaggle, you need to predict of what kind of people were likely to survive the disaster or did not. In particular, they ask to apply the tools of machine learning to predict ...

[crayon-662280c44e276438063166/]   In a couple of courses I've used RPubs and GitHub for publishing my R code and work. As I have a own website with Wordpress I want to blog from R to my own blog instead only through sharing R code via RPubs and ...

On 8 October Data-Mania started it's opening day for the course R Programming for Data Science!!  They also started a Course GIVEAWAY of a Mastery Level course license. Good for 12 months of learning on the Data-Mania platform!!!! I started ...

This week I started the course Exploratory Data Analysis as part of the Data Science Specialization. This course covers the essential exploratory techniques for summarizing data. These techniques are typically applied before formal modeling ...