Learning JavaScript
I’m working on a project where we use MarkLogic Enterprise NoSQL database to store our data. In MarkLogic it’s possible to use the Server-Side JavaScript for processing the data right at the server level, without having to transfer the data to a middle tier. Because i’m not complete familiar with JavaScript I need to learn the language.
Last week I started JavaScript on Codecademy and Codeschool to get play with it, it’s a fun language to learn.
Server-Side JavaScript allows developers to access the powerful query and data manipulation capabilities of MarkLogic in a language and with tools that they’re already familiar with. Combined with JSON as a native data format, MarkLogic provides an ideal platform for building JSON-based services with JavaScript.
source: http://www.marklogic.com/what-is-marklogic/whats-new/javascript/
I’m creative, imaginative, free-thinking, daydreamer and strategic who needs freedom, peace and space to brainstorm and to fantasize about new and surprising solutions. Generates ideas and solves difficult problems, sees all options, judges accurately and wants to get to the bottom of things.
Interested in Data Science, Data Analytics, Running, Crossfit, Obstacle Running and Coffee.